Instruction Manual
CIRWATT B 101-102
EN 62053-23:2003 -
Electricity metering equipment (AC). Particular requirements. Part 23: Static me-
ters for reactive energy (Classes 2 and 3).
EN 62056-21:2003 -
Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control
-- Part 21: Direct local data exchange
UNE 20324:1993 -
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code). (IEC 529:1989).
EN 60068-2-11:2000 -
Environmental testing. Part 2: tests. Test ka: salt mist (IEC 60068-2-11 (1981-
EN 60068-2-5:2000 -
Environmental testing -- Part 2-5: Tests - Test Sa: Simulated solar radiation at
ground level and guidance for solar radiation testing
UNE 207010:2003 -
Bar coding application for the coding for electrical energy meters.
IEC 62052-21 (2004-05) -
Electricity metering equipment (AC). General requirements, tests and test
conditions. Part 21: Tariff and load control equipment. (Replaces IEC 61038).
IEC 62054-21 (2004-05) -
Electricity metering (AC) - Tariff and load control - Part 21: Particular re-
quirements for time switches. (Replaces IEC 61038).
DIN 43857 (1978-09) -
Watthour meters in moulded insulation case without instrument transformers,
up to 60 A rated maximum current; principal dimensions for single-phase meters.