Separate the coupling components, connecting the pump shaft to the gearbox or motor, and turn
the pump by hand, or with a wrench, when completing the purging and draining.
If no purging liquid is available, and the pump will be run in order to facilitate draining, be cautious to
complete the operation in less than 1 minute.
If the pump is to be stored, or if it will sit for a long period without operation or protection, apply rust
preventative oil to all internal and external surfaces.
F.3 Restarts
On restart, follow the procedures for start up, from previous section.
Take care the product has not changed properties.
Ensure the fluid is still capable of providing lubrication to the pump internal components.
Restart slowly and gradually.
G.1 Performing Maintenance
Seal failure will eventually occur.
Develop a plan to deal with this situation.
Take appropriate safety measures if liquid is hazardous.
BEFORE starting any maintenance procedure, do the following
Shut off all power switches and circuit breakers.
Remove any electrical service fuses.
Lock electrical service panel supplying power to driver.
Shut, wire or chain, and lock all valves in pump inlet/outlet piping
If applicable, shut off any steam or other fluid supply lines to the pump.
Visually check equipment frequently for signs of damage or leakage from shaft seals, gaskets or O-rings
Be sure all connections are tight. If seal leakage is more than about 10 drops per hour per seal, shut down
equipment and repair or replace necessary parts. Shaft seals have a limited, finite life which is affected by
operating conditions and environment. Expect them to wear and eventually fail. When leakage becomes
unacceptable, replace the seal unit with the correct replacement unit,
one compatible with pump’s operating
conditions. Dirty liquids will reduce seal life.
Packing seals should be replaced when all packing follower travel is exhausted or when packing is
damaged and leakage cannot be controlled.
Where pump out-of-service time is of vital concern and down-time must be minimized, kits of spare parts
and seals should be acquired before needed and retained on-site.
Only trained, specialized personnel, using the appropriate Original Installation, Care and Maintenance
Instructions, can perform maintenance, which includes, but is not limited to, Inspection, Repair, Assembly
and Disassembly.
Contact Imo Pump for information on having personnel trained.