Average gain in altitude
Sub-function of the function ‚Current gain or
loss in altitude‘.
Indicates the average gain in altitude since the
beginning of the tour.
Range: 0 to 199 m/min
resp. 0 to 65 ft x10/min
Average loss in altitude
Sub-function of the function ‚Current gain or
loss in altitude‘.
Indicates the average loss in altitude since the
beginning of the tour.
Range: 0 to 199 m/min
resp. 0 to 65 ft x10/min
The time needed to reach the next mountain peak or valley
can be calculated with the help of these two functions. For this
multiply the indicated value with 60, so you get the meters (or ft) in
altitude reached in 1 hour.
Maximum gain in altitude
Sub-function of the function ‚Current gain or
loss in altitude‘.
Indicates the maximum gain in altitude since
the beginning of the tour.
Range: 0 to 199 m/min
resp. 0 to 65 ft x10/min
Maximum loss in altitude
Sub-function of the function ‚Current gain or
loss in altitude‘.
Indicates the maximum loss in altitude since
the beginning of the tour.
Range: 0 to 199 m/min
resp. 0 to 65 ft x10/min
Amount of ascents
Sub-function of the function ‚Current gain or
loss in altitude‘.
Indicates the amount of ascents since the
beginning of the tour.
Range: 0 to 199.
Amount of descents
Sub-function of the function ‚Current gain or
loss in altitude‘.
Indicates the amount of descents since the
beginning of the tour.
Range: 0 to 199.
counts the amount of ascents or des-
cents only when the altitude difference is at least 50 m, this function
is primarily for skiers and downhill-bikers (also persons who use
Indicates the current temperature . The tem-
perature can vary if the HAC4 is worn on the
wrist, due to the body temperature.
Range: -20 to +60 °C resp. – 20 to +140°F
Minimum temperature
Sub-function of the function ‚Temperature‘.
Indicates the lowest temperature measured
during the tour.
Range: -20 to +60 °C resp. – 20 to +140°F
Maximum temperature
Sub-function of the function ‚Temperature‘.
Indicates the highest temperature measured
during the tour.
Range: -20 to +60 °C resp. – 20 to +140°F
5. 2 Lower display indications
Main functions are chosen with LR-button, sub-functions with LL-
button. To better distinguish main functions from sub-functions,
main functions
are printed in a bold script and
printed in a bold, cursive script.
Indicates the current time.
Range: 00:00 - 23:59 or 00:00 - 12:59 AM/PM
(in case of AM the colon is blinking)
Sub-function of the function ‚Time‘.
Indicates the current date (leap years are con-
sidered). With 24-hour display in the format TT
MM (Day/Month), with 12-hour display in the
format MM TT (Month/Day).
Sub-function of the function ‚Time‘.
Indicates the current year.
To start/stop the stopwatch press the start/
stop-button short.
To reset the stopwatch to zero (and therewith
reset all intermediate and lap-times) press
start/stop-button 3 sec.
Range: 0 – 999:59 (up to 10 minutes display
shows m:ss:1/100 – with the second colon blinking; up to 10 hours
h:mm:ss , 10 hours and more hhh:mm)
Intermediate time/lap time
Press short LL-button
while running stopwatch
Stops the current intermediate time and the
current lap time, thereby the
indicates for 3 sec. the current intermediate
time and then for 3 sec. the lap time. Up to 100 intermediate times
and lap times can be stopped and stored.
Intermediate time is the time since starting of the stopwatch, lap time
is the time since last stopping of intermediate time/lap time.
Range: 0 – 999:59 (up to 10 minutes display shows m:ss:1/100
– with the second colon blinking; up to 10 hours h:mm:ss, 10 hours
and more hhh:mm)
if stopwatch is not running:
Indicates the stored intermediate times and lap
times (with the accompanying counter).
It first indicates the stored intermediate time,
after 3 sec. display changes to the lap time.
With again short pressing LL-button the next
intermediate/lap time is indicated and so on.
Range: 0 – 999:59 (up to 10 minutes display shows m:ss:1/100
– with the second colon blinking; up to 10 hours h:mm:ss, 10 hours
and more hhh:mm)