Maintenance Manual
PEFS F3 Maintenance Manual, Version 1.2, Feb 2018
© Copyright 2017 Chubb Fire & Security Pty Ltd
Six Monthly Service Instructions
System pressure check (Item 1)
1. Check the reading on the pressure indicator located on the cylinder valve of each cylinder assembly installed.
The pressure should read within the green segment of the indicator.
2. Check the reading on the pressure indicator located on each LOP manual actuator installed. The pressure
should read within the green segment of the indicator.
3. If system is low on pressure, the source of the leak should be identified and rectified prior to re-pressurising the
4. If the system pressure shows 0kPa, it is likely the system has been discharged and will need to be refilled.
5. If a pressure indicator reads differently to all of the other pressure indicators, this pressure indicator is most
likely faulty or out of calibration. Replace the faulty pressure indicator. Refer to section on valve service and
actuator service located later in this manual.
System control and indicating equipment [where fitted] (Item 2)
Refer to Control System / Panel product manuals for detailed operational and maintenance requirements.
1. Check that all indicators show normal condition:
a. Power on indicator light illuminated
b. Fault indicators are not illuminated
c. System Discharge indicators are not illuminated
d. Fire Alarm indicators are not illuminated
e. System Isolation indicators are not illuminated
Audible alarms not sounding
2. Set control panel (where applicable)
to its “Isolation / Test” mode.
Control Panels must remain
in there “Isolation / Test” mode during the remainder of
the scheduled maintenance activities to prevent accidental discharge of the system.
3. Check that all status indicators and audible alarms function correctly.
4. Check that all panels are secure, clean, undamaged and accessible.
5. Test battery capacity (if fitted).
Distribution system (Item 3)
1. Clean Nozzles and Shrouds.
2. Check nozzle caps are in place and foils are intact. Replace foil caps if required.
a. Foil Caps should only be fitted and removed using the Nozzle Cap Tool
b. Always screw on the Foil Caps by hand for the first couple of turns before using the Nozzle Cap Tool to
tighten the cap to prevent cross threading.
3. Check nozzles are pointing at pre-determined aiming points. Refer to system design data (baseline data) as of
last commissioning.
4. Check distribution system is intact and not damaged:
a. Hoses are not worn, split, cut or kinked.
b. Hoses have protective sleeves fitted along locations where rubbing can occur.
c. Tubing is not dented, kinked or otherwise damaged
d. Fittings do not show signs of excessive corrosion
e. Fittings are secure.
Clamps are adequately secured to the equipment and firmly hold the discharge hoses and or tubing in
g. Nozzle brackets (where fitted) are adequately secured to the equipment and firmly holds the nozzle kit
Actuation system (Item 4)
1. Check pneumatic actuation system is intact and not damaged:
a. Hoses are not worn, split, cut or kinked.
b. Hoses have protective sleeves fitted along locations where rubbing can occur.
c. Fittings do not show signs of excessive corrosion
d. Fittings are secure