How to operate your C65 Super Compressor
If using the internal bezel for a dive and let’s say the recognised
maximum “no-stop time” is 55 minutes, then in this example
(shown right) the time at the surface immediately before the dive is
10.10am. However the bezel marker is at the 12.00 hr position.
• Move the internal bezel with the 2 o’clock crown anti-clockwise so
that it aligns with the 10 minute position.
• You can now read that the 55 minute no decompression limit
will occur at 5 minutes past the next hour.
It is always useful and best practice to make a note on a dive slate
before entering the water and to carry a set of dive tables should the
dive plan change during the course of a dive. A safety stop for 3 to 5
minutes at 15ft is recommended at the end of all dives. A safety stop
for 3 minutes at 15ft is required any time you come within 3 pressure
groups of a no decompression limit, and for any dive to a depth of
100ft or deeper.
Diving with your watch