Digital Blood Pressure Monitor
Digital Blood Pressure Monitor
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Blood Pressure Information
Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of arteries. It is
typically measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg.) Systolic blood pressure is
the maximum force exerted against blood vessel walls each time the heart beats.
Diastolic blood pressure is the force exerted on blood vessels when the heart is
resting between beats.
An individual’s blood pressure frequently changes throughout the course of a day.
Excitement and tension can cause blood pressure to rise, while drinking alcohol and
bathing can lower blood pressure. Certain hormones like adrenaline (which your
body releases under stress) can cause blood vessels to constrict, leading to a rise in
blood pressure.
If these measuring numbers become too high, it means the heart is working harder
than it should.
WHO Blood Pressure Classification Indicator
The BP11 is equipped with a classification indicator based on established guidelines
from the World Health Organization. The chart below (color coded on monitor unit)
indicates test results.
Health Reminder
Hypertension is a dangerous disease that can affect the quality of life. It can lead to
a lot of problems including heart failure, kidney failure, and cerebral hemorrhaging.
By maintaining a healthy lifestyle and visiting your physician on a regular basis,
hypertension and relative diseases are much easier to control when diagnosed in
theirearly stages.
Note: Do not be alarmed if an abnormal reading occurs. A better indication of an
individual’s blood pressure occurs after 2-3 readings are taken at the same time
each day over an extended period of time. Consult your physican if test results
remain abnormal.