Fillings for the KrumKakes
This is where the fun begins. The options are endless. Whether you prepare conventional cones or
filled sandwich cookies you will want to experiment with any of the great variety of European and
American fillings.
Sweetened Whipped Cream
A popular choice and the clear favorite in Scandinavia:
1 cup whipping cream
3 tablespoons confectioner sugar
teaspoon vanilla
Whip the cream until stiff. Add and blend in the confectioner sugar and vanilla. Mixture should be stiff.
If too thin add more sugar. If too stiff add a little cream. Add lingonberries or small cranberries for color
and contrasting flavor. Serve promptly while whipped cream is still stiff.
For variety, coat the edge of the cone with melted dipping-chocolate.
Other Fillings
The variety of readily available fillings is virtually endless. Consider the following:
Chocolate fudge
Chocolate pudding
Ice cream
Diced fruits or with whipped cream Preserves and jams – strawberry, raspberry, etc.
Sour cream with tart jelly
Custards or puddings – any flavor
Cream cheese with fruit
ServIng SuggeStIonS
Remember the versatile KrumKake Express
can be used to prepare delicious ice cream cones.
The German recipe for the krumkake (Hörnchen) can be used to make cones substantial enough
to hold ice cream. For a festive occasion let the family roll their own cones and try filling while
still warm for a softer ice cream. Set out your favorite ice cream, sherbet, toppings, chocolate
chips and nuts. Some may want to serve a warm flat krumkake on a plate with ice cream on top.
The warm wafer will melt some of the ice cream for a striking blend of flavors.
Also ice cream cones can be prepared and filled in advance and conveniently stored in the
freezer upright on cone-stands, now available in specialty stores.
KrumKake wafers make a wonderful crisp cookie wafer that can be used to garnish ice cream
parfait or puddings. Simply cut the wafer into four neat triangles while it is warm. Cool and dry
the triangles on a wire rack and store in a sealed container free of moisture.
Cones should never go to waste. Less than perfect cones can be cooled then crumbled and used to
garnish desserts. Crumbled cones make an interesting addition to pie crusts and cheesecakes.
At holiday time, try forming the warm wafers into bowl shapes to be filled and eaten with ice
cream, frozen yogurt, or fresh berries with whipped cream. If you have a 3 or 4 inch muffin tin,
press the wafer while hot into the tin mold. Crimp the edges to make the wafer fit into the mold.
A small bowl or custard cup can also be used for a mold. A pair of fluted muffin tins about 3-4
inch diameter are ideal for making a krumkake bowl - simply press the warm wafer between
the tins.