Integrity Advanced Server Installation Guide
Observed programs
Program groups and individual programs that are included in a policy
Antivirus rules
Reference sources
IM Security settings
Data that is not migrated
The following data is not migrated:
Certain portions of policies (client minimum version)
Any program with invalid or missing checksums.
Any program permissions in policies for dropped programs
Policy assignments
Programs not included in a policy
Disabled firewall rules
Outbound MailSafe Settings
Heartbeat and log transfer settings
Gateway MAC addresses
Sources and destinations in firewall rules
Any data not explicitly mentioned above as being imported.
Migrating your Data
To migrate your data, perform the usual installation steps, selecting the appropriate
migration options in the installer, and completing the migration pages in the Integrity
Server Administrator Console.
To install and migrate your data:
1. Gather the database information and configure your databases.
You must create new database schemas for the new installation. See “
the databases and gathering information,”
on page
2. Synchronize clocks.
See “
Synchronizing Clocks,”
on page