Integrity Advanced Server Installation Guide
2. Configure the properties file.
See “
Configuring the properties file,”
on page
3. Copy the files to the rest of the cluster. (Clustering)
See “
Copying the files to the cluster,”
on page
Updating the configuration file
To update the configuration file:
1. Shutdown the Integrity Advanced Servers.
2. Log in as root.
3. Go to \CheckPoint\Integrity\engine\webapps\ROOT\install\templates\config
4. Create a backup of template-integrity-config.xml.
5. Open template-integrity-config.xml in a text editor.
6. In the AdminConsole node, remove the comment tags from the first RADIUS JAAS
node, and remove the JAAS node for ‘inbuilt authentication of admin users’.
7. Save you changes and close the file.
Make sure your XML is well-formed.
Configuring the properties file
To configure the properties file:
1. Go to CheckPoint\Integrity\engine\webapps\ROOT\install\templates.
2. Create a backup of install-upgrade.properties.
3. Open install-upgrade.properties in a text editor.
4. Specify the following properties:
radius.authtype=<CHAP or PAP>
radius.server=<IP address of your radius server>
radius.port=<Port for your radius server. Usually 1812.>
Radius.secret=<Radius secret code>
In Linux, the path is in lower case.
In Linux, the path is in lower case.