Operating Instructions
System User Manual
DMX Control Mode
With exception to the system setup process all control functions on the controller can be accessed
and executed externally via a Universal DMX controller. First you must connect the LED-CHVA
controller to an existing DMX daisy chain. The controller is addressable just like any other DMX
device or fixture and it will be controlled as if it were a fixture in most intelligent light consoles.
S e t t i n g t h e D M X a d d r e s s
1. Press the MODE button until the display shows
M System Setup
2. Press the SETUP button to enter the
M System Setup
menu function.
3. The controller should display immediately
1 Dmx Ch
. Press the SETUP button to select function.
4. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to increase or decrease the channel values. This value represents
the starting address for this device. The controller occupies 4 channels of DMX
5. The unit will now respond to DMX command. Do not press any other buttons other than to change
the channel values.
The next step may require you to create a device profile within your lighting controller. Proceed to
DMX Channel Values
for a detailed chart of the control values for each channel of DMX.
R u n n i n g i n D M X M o d e
If the control panel menu displays
1 Dmx Ch
press SETUP to activate DMX control mode. For
instructions on arriving at this menu item repeat the instructions
Setting the DMX address
directly above this subject.
D a i s y C h a i n C o n n e c t i o n
1. Connect the (male) 3 pin connector side of the DMX cable to the output (female) 3 pin connector
of the first fixture.
2. Connect the end of the cable coming from the first fixture which will have a (female) 3 pin
connector to the input connector of the next fixture consisting of a (male) 3 pin connector. Then,
proceed to connect from the output as stated above to the input of the following fixture and so on.
System Configuration & Connection
DMX Daisy Chain
From Controller
Power Unit
DMX line
DMX line
Power-Signal Cable
Please read the Appendix Section
MIST-PS8 Power Unit
, for a detailed description and illustration of
the maximum length and load capacity of the power unit.