The inner container has been fastened using the suspension lines. The tension of the packing
rubber bands on the inner container must not be too great. This can be tested by lifting the reserve using the
main bridle. The suspension lines must now release out of the packing rubbers bands independently.
4. Entry in the packing & inspection document
An entry must now be made in the packing and inspection
proof document. With date, name, and signature of the packer,
in addition to the work carried out.
The suspension lines are now placed in figure eights and
held in place using the new special rubber bands. Pay at-
tention that the width of the inner container is not exceeded.
The last 50cm of the suspension lines are used to close the
container and must remain free from rubber bands.
Check that all packing tools / aids / draw cords that were
used, have really been removed.
Lay the 3 x 8 bundles of suspension lines on the canopy
in the inner container, and fasten the container lid from the
middle to the outside using the remaining suspension lines.
Lay the s-shaped canopy in the inner container and use a
packing weight to prevent the canopy from sliding out.