MagicHD User Manual
Until the index has been rebuilt, MagicHD will not be able to display new media.
If the contents of an existing file changes, MagicHD will not automatically reload it. To force a
reload, select a different file, then the original one.
Feedback on progress is displayed on the status line of the HUD, and recorded in the conversion log
The results of media conversion are logged in a dedicated file (see 10.2). For each file, some some
basic statistics are reported, and the reason for conversion is logged.
If you bypass the conversion process, and put new media directly into the show folders, MagicHD
will not get the chance to convert the file format to one that it understands. MagicHD might not be
able to read your media. If you choose to manage media files directly,
make sure you test every
file before the show
. Thumbnail Regeneration
Each media file has a small thumbnail image associated with it. These thumbnails are used by
MagicQ to display the contents of each media folder in the media window.
If any thumbnail file is found to be missing, or older than the corresponding media file, it will be
automatically regenerated.
Thumbnail regeneration can be forced from the menu (see 3.5). Index Regeneration
If the media index file is missing MagicHD will automatically regenerate it from the media files in
the show.
Note that all media will be included in the index. There is no way to mark a file as not part of the
show, other than obscuring its folder and/or file number.
Index regeneration can be forced from the menu (see 3.5).
4.2 Masks
A mask is simply an image whose intensity is used to control the brightness of some media behind
it. White areas are totally opaque and black totally transparent. Shades of grey scale between the
two. The simplest masks have just black and white areas, and hide the layer (allowing lower layers
to be seen) where they are black. Any image can be used as a mask. Colour is converted to
transparency by taking the black & white intensity of the image.
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