CET s.r.l. Parallel Message Display
page 5
The functioning of the devices is relatively simple:
upon power-up, lack of input signals, MESSAGE NO. 0 is displayed.
the signals to make up the code of the message to be recalled are sent to the display unit input through the
PLC; in the presence of a code, the associated message text is brought to the display and replaces the
previous one or it is possible to manage the 9 data inputs (D0 to D8) as independent inputs for contacts.
by sending the appropriate sequence commands through the PLC, it is possible to manage and update
directly all or part of determined text areas in the message being displayed by entering the characters
required (ASCII or BCD). In this way, you can complete the texts with values (VARIABLES) from the plant,
such as voltages, currents, speeds, times, etc.
different service commands are also available for cancelling variables, messages, and display flashing
mode, etc.