CET s.r.l. Parallel Message Display
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CET message display units are diagnostic devices equipped with an alphanumeric display, which shows a series
of written information relative to particular situations for the operator.
The information is given under the form of messages, which can have a length up to 80 characters with the
possibility to arrange explanatory sub-texts, scrolling messages, flashing messages and other highlighting modes.
All texts are externally programmed in a PC and then transmitted to the device inner memory through the special
serial line RS232.
Messages are recalled to the display by applying coded logic commands to determined inputs or using
independent inputs.
The text on display can be completed by sending ASCII or BCD characters directly to the device inputs. Although
these devices are equipped with a series of "MANUAL" commands for particular situations, they are mainly
intended for use with programmable logic units (PLC).
Below we indicate some functions or sectors where CET message display units are particularly suitable:
information about operating conditions or sequences of a machine with related diagnostics in case of
sequential information about setting-at-work operations with directs display of internal data (variables), if
information concerning maintenance operations.
troubleshooting sequence.
sequence information in different languages.
This manual refers to the following models:
FMC202 EMC202 EMC402 EMF202 EMF402 AMF401 AMF402 BMF202
The message display units mentioned above differ only as regards the container (box) size in which they are
placed and different types of displays used (fluorescent or LCD).
All devices are equipped with a 24Vdc power supply, therefore they can be used directly with programmable logic
units (PLC).
They are also fitted with a removable terminal board, which makes them independent from external support
All message display units can be controlled through the serial line RS232 as well as the independent or
opportunely coded parallel inputs.
Their common capacity is 512 messages. Mechanical dimensions with terminal boards are given at the end of
the manual.
The distinctive features of the different models are reported below.
1.1.1. FMC 202
SERIES F container (front 48 x 144)
Liquid crystal display (LCD) with two lines each of 20 characters (40 characters in all), 5 mm character
height, LED backlighting.
1.1.2. EMC 202
SERIES E container (front 72 x 192)
Liquid crystal display (LCD) with two lines each of 20 characters (40 characters in all), 9 mm character
height, LED backlighting.