Optional Master media
OMEGA ACTIVE Programming Instructions
With the TIME-MASTER, you set the opening time of the
locking cylinder or access terminal. During the opening time,
your locking device allows free access.
For locking cylinders or shields, this is the period during
which the knob is coupled with the follower time.
For wall terminals, this is the period during which the relay
is pulled up.
To set the opening time of your locking devices with the TIME-
MASTER, proceed as follows:
Rotate the outside knob of the locking cylinder by at least
one notch or touch the proximity sensor.
Hold the TIME-MASTER in front of the locking cylinder, the
IES shield or the wall terminal.
When the locking device detects the TIME-MASTER, it starts
beeping at one-second intervals. The number of beeps
determines the opening time.
5 x Beeper = 5 seconds opening time