Final Adjustments - Radio Setup
10. Setup and Adjustment
Now that the servo installation into the helicopter is finished the following pages should be reviewed. As various types of radios
can be used to setup the helicopter, some of the following information may not apply.
Servo Direction (Servo Reversing)
Check that all servos move in the correct directions.
Dual Rates
For beginners (using flybar weights, or optional beginner
paddles Part #HI3179) the dual rate values should be set as
Normal position:
(high rate) 100%
Switch position 1:
(low rate) 75%
The exponential function allows adjustment of how sensitive
the cyclic controls are when the machine is hovering. It is reco
mended that a negative amount of expo is applied to make the
heli more precise in the hover.
Pitch & Throttle Curve Adjustments
With today’s speed controllers with built in governors, it is reco
mended that you always fly in idle up with a flat throttle curve at
about 90%
Setup Method
Low Pitch
(Low Stick)
(Mid Stick)
High Pitch
(High Stick)
Stunt & Aero-
Pitch Curve Values by Degrees
Pitch Curve Adjustment
The following chart shows the values for the collective pitch
measured in degrees which are made on the helicopter using
a pitch gauge. The Travel Adjustment function (if available
makes these settings easy).
For the beginner it is recommended to set the low stick
position to 0 degrees to avoid damaging the helicopter while
reducing the power during the first few flights. These set
tings will need slight adjustments to keep the helicopter at a
consistent height at mid stick.
( N - Normal flight mode, 1 - Stunt mode one, 2 - Stunt mode two,
H - Throttle hold-autorotation )
Setting up eCCPM
General guideline in setting up eCCPM
1. Power up radio and center both sticks. (Tip: add a point above and below the center point of the pitch curve and change them
to 50% to widen the “center and zero” portion of the pitch curve for easier reference BUT BE SURE TO REMOVE THEM BEFORE
2. Place servo horns on all 3 cyclic/pitch servo’s as close to 90
to the pushrod as possible.
3. Using a square, straightedge, or other means use the radio SUBTRIM to fine tune servo positions to ensure they are exactly 90
the pushrod. Once the subtrims are set, do not adjust them again as this is the reference neutral position.
4. Now align the swash to be perfectly centered and leveled on the mainshaft (left/right and fore/aft tilt) using a swash leveling tool or
something similar. If it is off fore/aft or left/right adjust the swash pushrods accordingly but DO NOT adjust subtrim.
5. Once the swash is perfectly centered/leveled at mid stick it is time to set END POINTS/ATV’s.
6. Move the stick to full collective and again check to see if the swash is perfectly leveled. If it is not adjust the end points of the spe
cific servo that is offering too much or too little travel (tip: leave the elevator servo at 100% both directions and adjust just the pitch/ail
servo’s to keep a reference center). The adjustment amounts should not exceed 6-7% or you may have different sized arm lengths on
the servo’s.
7. Move the stick to low collective and again check to see that it is perfectly leveled. If it is not adjust the end point of the specific
servo that is offering too much or too little travel.
8: Go back and remove the two extra points from the pitch curve from Step 1.
If you need to trim your heli for neutral flight do so with the trim sliders but DO NOT ADJUST SUBTRIMS.
You can now fine tune any interaction by doing the following:
1. Trim the heli for neutral hovering.
2. Do a few full collective climb outs and note if the heli pitches fore/aft or left/right.
If there were pitch changes note the direction and go back to the ATV screen to fine tune the cyclic servo travel. (example: Heli pitch
es back when full collective is applied, either add a few percent to the full stick elevator travel or reduce both aileron/pitch servo travel)
Only change a few percent at a time and do several climb outs before adjustments to ensure it is not environmental changes causing
the pitch changes.
3: Do a few full negative inverted climb out and note the same as above. Make adjustments on the LOW stick side instead of HIGH
stick side.