If you are connecting via telephone
, plug one end of the USB Modem into
the C-Port located under the back panel of
your CEIVA� Insert the phone cord into the
USB Modem and the other end of the cord into
a phone outlet� If you need to share the outlet
with an answering or fax machine, or another
phone, use the dual phone splitter in the outlet�
If you are using your internet con-
, insert your CEIVA Wireless™
Adapter or CEIVA Broadband™ Adapter (avail-
able at ceiva�com) into the C-Port� Press
the Menu button and highlight Connection
Wizard, then press Select� You will be guided
through the setup process� If your network
requires a key, you will need to enter it at this
time� To change these settings manually, go
to Settings > Connection Settings > Advanced
Settings > Wireless Settings�
Replace the back panel
and align leg with
the marker and turn clockwise into place� You
can store the remote in the remote caddy on the
NOTE: For more information about using Pulse Dialing or number prefixes, adjusting your modem settings, or connect-
ing with a CEIVA Broadband™ adapter, visit help.ceiva.com. You can also call us toll-free at 1-877-692-3482 and we’ll
be happy to assist you.
Connecting Your CEIVA