We will be using the TX
1 in a configuration that can't use your wall supply. Any technical
information you have on the module would
be helpful. I need to know how much power and what voltages to allocate.
The Average is 0.4Amps 4.8 Watts and the peak is 1.15Amps 14Watts
with a 12V supply.
How do I power the module? What are the voltage and power requirements?
We do supply a 60W 12V wall supply with the board.
Does it need any firmware to work or it comes out of the box ready to use it with TX1?
All TX2 modules (from CEI) are shipped pre
flashed and tested so they will work out of the box.
Can you provide the pin out of this carrier board, your documentation claims that the UART interfaces are available, but it's unclear
which pins these would be available on, are these 3.3 V, or full RS232?
UART is available as follows:
1. The 0.100" pitch header designated J17 uses "Carrier Board UART1" (a.k.a. TX1 UART3") at 3.3V TTL. It is a general purpose UART that
is usable for any 3.3V TTL UART purposes.
J17_1 = GND; J17_2 = "RTS"; J17_3 = "NC"; J17_4 = "RXD"; J17_5 = "TXD"; J17_6 = "CTS_L"
2. Another UART port goes to a Debug header designated J19 (MFR PN: QSH
TR). "Carrier Board UART0" (a.k.a. TX1
This will be a 1.8V TTL as there is no voltage translation on this UART. Design Guide says it is configured for a debug UART
console, but with some effort in the kernel and header connections can be made a general purpose 1.8V TTL UART.
J19_6 "TXD" and J19_8 "RXD" *Connect in Null
Modem configuration for Debug Serial Console
3. There are Test Points for another 1.8V TTL (TP20="UART3_RXD" and TP24="UART3_TXD"). With some soldering (and assuming this is
enabled in the kernel) this could also be used for general purpose 1.8V TTL UART.
Does the board have pins suitable to power an SATA SSD or would an external power supply be necessary?
The board has pins that can be used to power external SATA SSD (3.3V or 5.0V) with some soldering. J11 pin 1 (furthest from edge of
PCB) is 3.3V and 5.0V can be accessed through J18 pins 118, 120. Consequently, when we test the SATA port, we use an external supply
since it is easier.
Is it possible to purchase this combo with a 3g/4g LTE support (including a socket for the sim)?
The wireless communication M.2 card is CE certified (should be sufficient for EU Com standard) although it looks like they are in sample
phase now.
(EM7455 is available now)
Wireless M.2 card: (EM7455 will work too but still needs USB adapter since it is also an M.2 Key B card):
One such USB Adapter:
On J20, there are nets labelled VDD_19V_IN2. Are these connected to the power input jack and may I use them to power the X
Carrier board?
There are six pins on J20 with net VDD_19V_IN2. These are connected to the power input jack AFTER the fuse F1. So yes, disconnecting
the input jack J10 and conn19VDC would power the board; however, you run the risk of damaging the board if there is a power
problem since the fuse will no longer be protected from an input overcurrent condition.
There are some nets labelled VDD_3V3_SYS. Are these a source output, if so, how much current can I draw from them?
VDD_3V3_SYS is a 3.3V rail sourced from the X
Carrier Board. It can source up to 8A, but it is unknown how much margin there is on that
rail. A power analysis wasn
t found since we just replicated NVIDIA design with a few removals.
May I use GPIO_EXP_P16_3V3 and GPIO_EXP_P17_3V3 as GPIOs or are they for specific functions?
GPIO_EXP_P16_3V3 goes from the i2c
gpio expander U20_p16 (pin 19) to J20 pin 30; it can be used for any 3.3V purpose.
GPIO_EXP_P17_3V3 goes from the i2c
gpio expander U20_p17 (pin 20) to J20 pin 59; it can also be used for any 3.3V purpose.
Carrier Board
| Rev B
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Frequently Asked Questions
| Continued