CDL Maple Sugaring Equipment inc.
The Venturi evaporator is delivered with the ceramic wool already installed. All you have to do
is to brick the combustion chamber.
Follow these steps.
Call your CDL sales representative if you need further assistance.
1. Start with the bottom between the grates and the front, sides and back of the arch. Leave
3/16” between the grates and the bricks for expansion.
2. Build the side walls, one row at the time. Make sure to lean the brick against the wool on
each side of the arch.
Here’s what the final product should look like:
3. Let the cement dry for 24 hours.
4. It’s now time to cure the cement and the bricks. Fill the pans with water as if you were going
to boil sap. Start a fire and bring the temperature inside the burning chamber between
400°F and 500°F for an hour. Do not start the Venturi system during this operation. Also, do
not exceed 500°F and make sure the pans don’t run out of water. Keep at least 2” of water
in each syrup pan and at least 2” of water above the flues at all time.
5. Let the evaporator cool down for 24 hours.
Front view
Close-up of the wall
Side view