CDL Maple Sugaring Equipment inc.
When to clean you pans
Pan cleaning depends on evaporator size and the amount of scale deposit produced by your
evaporator. Front pans have to be checked every hour to prevent overheating. If too much scale
deposit in your pan, you could burn it. So make sure that you check your flue pan at the end of
every day, especially in the corners at the end of each flue. Too much niter deposits can cause
a pan to overheat. Under the pan and between the flues, use a flue brush to remove as much
soot as possible.
In between season storage
1. Put all your pans on wood blocks to let air circulate in the arch and under the pans. Too
much humidity can cause damage.
2. Remove any deposits inside the pan with a good acid wash. If necessary, brush all the flues
inside and outside with the appropriate brush and a pressure washer. Always make sure the
flues of the pan are clean.
3. Never leave any kind of cleaning product in the pans, it will damage them and it’s not covered
by the warranty;
4. O-rings must be greased with food grade grease (to prevent shrinking and drying)