CCT730 V1.1
Alarm In
1 Alarm In Detect OFF
2 Configuration Table 2
3 Exit
Release Time
1 Motion RES Time 2
2 Video Loss RES Time 2
3 Alarm In RES Time
4 Exit
Clear Event List
1 Clear Event List: No
2 Clear Event List: Yes
3 Exit
6.6.4 Alarm In
This menu allows you to enable/ disable the Alarm pins of rear I/O
connector and to select N.O. (normal open) or N.C. (normal close)
type for each pin.
Alarm In Detect
This item allows you to enable (YES) or disable (NO) the Alarm In
Configuration Table 2
This item allows you to select N.O. (normal open) or N.C. (normal close) type for each Alarm In
6.6.5 Video Loss Detect
This item allows you to enable/ disable the CCT730 to detect Video Loss as an alarm event.
6.6.6 Alarm Set/ Reset SW
This item allows you to enable/ disable the Alarm Set/ Reset signal of the rear I/O connector. If
you select EN (enable), then you can force the alarm output to on/ off by using the Alarm Set
6.6.7 Release Time
This menu allows you to set the “release time” of an alarm trigger from
motion detection, video loss or an alarm input. The release time
defines how long time after an alarm condition ends should another be
recognized. This should help avoid false alarms.
6.6.8 Clear Event List
This menu allows you to clear alarm event list. By selecting the Clear
Event list menu, you are presented with 2 further options , NO or YES.
This extra menu is to prevent you from clearing the list in error.