CBC (America) www.computarganz.com
There are several DVRs that support CBC (America) MP cameras. A few
examples are Bosch, March networks, and Sanyo DVRs.
7. Can I upda te al l my c ameras wit h the same version of firmware?
There are three types of updates. One update will update the MP1, MP2,
and MP5. The MP3-DN has its own update and it should only be used for
the MP3-DN. The MP8D and MP8P have their own update; it should only
be used for the MP8D and MP8P. The camera model(s) is listed in the
update file name.
8. H ow do I find out what versi on of s of tware is installed and what
are the IP and MAC addresses of my c ameras?
This information is displayed in the Abo ut dialog (
Figure 34
). To open the
Ab out dialog, right click mouse and select A bou t.
Figure 34. About dialog
9. What is the cost of a C BC (America) camera?
The cost varies from camera to camera but for unparallel clarity our prices
are unbeatable. Almost all cameras, which includes the basic NVR software,
have an MSRP below $1800. Visit us online at
10 . Is there third part y s of tware that can be used?