Lap time
Average lap speed
Split time
Trip lap distance
Split time
Average lap speed
Average lap
heart rate
Average lap
Lap calorie
Lap time
Average lap speed
Alternating data display
Record and store data
Data storage function
Data storage allows you to create data files that are downloadable to your personal computer,
allowing for analysis of recorded training data. Data recorded includes speed, heart rate, ca-
dence, trip distance, and elapsed time. The data is recorded in time intervals (memory timing)
selected by the user.
• When Data Storage is on, the
icon will be on (the default setting is on). Recorded data is
stored in a data file as soon as initial set-up has been performed and data is being measured.
• Lap data, HR and Cadence data recorded during data storage are all recorded on a data file.
• Up to 99 files can be stored within the memory capacity of the TR100. These files can be
downloaded to a personal computer using the download kit (optional accessory).
• Without the download kit
The default setting of data storage in "on". However, in order to download to a personal
computer requires the optional download kit. If you do not wish to download data to your
personal computer, be sure to turn the Data Storage setting off on the menu screen to avoid
unnecessary memory consumption (see page 41).
• With the download kit:
Follow the steps below for data storage.
• Up to 99 data files can be stored until the remaining memory is 0%.
• When the remaining memory is at 0% while data is being recorded, the
icon will
flash, alerting full memory. Delete old data files to use more memory.
• Before recording and storing data, select an appropriate recording interval for sufficient
memory space.
Set the data recording interval for data storage
View and delete files when finished to manage remaining memory
View stored data
Download to personal computer
See “Data storage” on page 41.
See “Data file” on page 39.
See “PC Link” on page 42.
See “Checking data file” on page 39.
Lap function
Recording lap data
Pressing the Lap button on the main display while riding records lap data. Immedi-
ately after recording, the lap number is displayed, alternating between "lap time" /
"average lap speed" and "split time" / "lap distance".
• Up to 199 laps can be recorded.
• Lap times cannot be shorter than 5 seconds; pressing the LAP button
consecutively within 5 seconds will not result in a new lap. New laps can
not be recorded when viewing recorded lap data.
• The lap function does not record lap intervals longer than 100 hours or
9999.99 (six 9’s) km.
Viewing lap data depends on the on/off status of "data storage."
• When "data storage" is on:
The recorded lap data can be viewed on the main unit display, and is also
saved in a data file. It disappears from the display when the main (or all) data
is reset, but it is stored in the data file and can be transferred to a personal
computer. Lap data will remain in the computer as long as the data file is not
deleted. To obtain more free space for laps, data files will need to be deleted
(see "Data file" on page 39).
• When "data storage" is off:
The recorded lap data can be viewed on the main unit display. It is deleted as
soon as the main measurement data or all measurement data is reset. The
data cannot be transferred to a personal computer.
Reading lap data
Press the MODE-1 and MODE-2 buttons simultaneously to view recordad lap data.
The lap recall screen displayes the most recent laps first. Use MODE-1 or MODE-2
buttons to cycle through the laps. Pressing MODE-1 and MODE-2 simultaneously
will exit from the lap recall screen.
• The lap recall screen will not appear if there is no lap data recorded.
• The recorded lap data is deleted when the main measurement data or all
measurement data is reset.
• Leaving the lap viewing screen idle for one minute will return automati-
cally to the measuring screen.
Changing lap numbers
Measuring Screen
Recording lap date
Alternating data display
(5 Sec.)
Measuring Screen
Recording lap date
Lap time
Split time
Lap time and split time
The lap time indicates the time elapsed between two consecutive pressings of the
LAP button.
The split time indicates the total elapsed time from the start of the exercise.