54g LRS
It is recommended that DO NOT use this mode unless you have a
very specific reason to do so. 54g LRS (Limited Rate Support) mode exists
only to solve unique problems that may occur with some 802.11b client
adapters and is NOT necessary for interoperability of 54g and 802.11b
Note: In some cases, older 802.11b clients may not be compatible with 54g
wireless. These adapters tend to be of inferior design and may use older
drivers or technology. 54g-LRS allows these clients to be compatible with the
newer 54g technology. Switching to this mode may solve problems that
sometimes occur with these clients. If you suspect that you are using a client
adapter that falls into this category of adapters, first check with the adapter
vendor to see if there is a driver update. If there is no driver update available,
switching to 54g-LRS mode may fix your problem. Please note that switching
to 54g-LRS mode may decrease 54g performance slightly.
802.11b Only
Use 802.11b Mode only. The maximum data transfer rate of
802.11b standard is 11Mbps.
Protected mode ensures proper operation of 802.11g clients
and access points when there is heavy 802.11b traffic in your operating
environment. When protected mode is Auto, 802.11g scans for other wireless
network traffic before it transmits data. Therefore, using this mode in
environments with heavy 802.11b traffic or interference achieves best
performance results. If you are in an environment with very little, or no other
wireless network traffic, your best performance will be achieved with Protected
mode Off.
The basic transfer rates should be set depending on the speed of your
wireless network. You have to select 1-2Mbps if you have older 802.1
compliant equipment on your network, such as wireless adapter that support
only 1 or 2 Mbps. Otherwise, you do not have to limit the basic transfer rates of
faster adapters. CBW500 adaptively selects the highest possible rate for
transmission. The system will step down in case of obstacles or interference.