Unsetting following an Alarm
An automatic timer is fitted to the system to silence the external bell or sounder after a
pre-set time to minimise annoyance to neighbours, etc. but may have been programmed
for the internal sounders to remain live after this has taken place. The system may be
reset before or after this action.
Enter your 4-digit code,
followed by #
OR insert your Key and turn to
The alarm will
silence, if not
Will show the number of the zone
initiating the alarm, or a code
indicating the nature of a system
fault (see 1.3)
Note the information shown on
the Display, investigate the
cause, and advise your alarm
company of any action
Reset the system by pressing
the # key
(OR turn Key from 'OFF' to
'ON' and back again.)
If '
' is flashing, reset by the alarm
company is required, and the
system cannot be used until this is
done. (see 2.4.3)
Engineer Reset
If your system is programmed to require reset by the installing engineer following an
alarm, the display will show a FLASHING '
' and it will not be possible to re-use the
system until this is done. Whilst in this mode, each time you enter your code, a special
four digit "anticode" will show on the display, one character at a time.
Under certain circumstances, your Installing Company, or Central Monitoring Station
may permit you to reset the system without an Engineer being present. Under these
circumstances, quote this "anti-code" - stating that your system has a 'Castle Care-Tech
1000 Series Panel,'
and you will be given a special code to enter to reset your system
for use. This special code will be valid for one occasion only.
Use of 'SIMPLE SET' facility
You may set the system using two keys only, as follows (the full code is required to
unset): NOTE: This facility is only available if programmed by the installing engineer.
Simple set
Alternative if no lettered keys
PART set 'B'
Press B #
Use 6 #
PART set 'C'
Press C #
Use 9 #
FULL set
Press D #
Use # #
Castle Care-Tech Ltd.
Page 10
Issue 3a