General information
This operation and maintenance manual was prepared according to current
safety regulations.
The owner or operator of the machine must read
this manual before starting the equipment being described.
Working safety is the responsibility of the machine operator.
Failure to observe the safety and operating standards will cause the operator to
be responsible for the damage caused to the equipment or to people, animals or
If doubts arise when reading this manual, contact the nearest Casotti authorised
dealer or Casotti Irroratori directly.
Safety standards
The user must thoroughly read the technical-operating instructions pertaining to
proper use of the machine.
This manual must be read before operating the machine and must always be at
hand to be referred to.
Safety information must be completed with the specific operating and maintenance
instructions for the machine.
For the dealer:
The person in charge of delivering and installing the machine must read the
following manual, understand its content and take the responsibility to deliver this
manual to the end customer.
Safety instructions