EOX : End of System Exclusive Message
(End of System Exclusive message Status = F7H)
Individual Parameter Operations
There are two parameter unit operations: Individual Parameter Transfer and Individual Parameter Request.
For one session, in response to an IPR (Individual Parameter Request) from an external device, this Instrument returns an
IPS (Individual Parameter Send) or the session is concluded when the external device or this Instrument spontaneously
sends an IPS. If this Instrument received an IPS, the value of the applicable parameter is changed.
An Individual Parameter Send can also be used to issue some command to the Instrument, and the Individual Parameter
Request can be used to check Instrument status information.
See "Part V Parameter List" for information about how parameters can actually be sent.
Parameter Set Transfer Modes
Communication Modes
One-way and Handshake
Parameter Sets can be transferred by bulk dump using the message exchange types described below.
One-way mode Parameter Set send/receive
One-way mode Parameter Set send request send/receive
Handshake mode Parameter Set send/receive
Handshake mode Parameter Set send request, receive rejected, error notification send/receive
With the one-way mode, the sending device sends data and ends the session without regard to the response of the receiving
device. This mode is best for one-way transfers from a sequencer or similar device. With the handshake mode, the sending
device sends the data and then waits for a response from the receiving device before advancing to the next session. This
is a high-speed mode in which there is no time wasted waiting.
Though the one-way mode format is defined, there is no Parameter Set category that corresponds to this Model. This is
because the time required to write to flash memory is indefinite, which makes it necessary to maintain a very long interval
between packets and makes communication impossible for all practical purposes.
See "VI Parameter Set List" for information about how Parameter Sets are actually allocated. In order to ensure maximum
speed for bulk dumping of Parameter Sets, the data format is different from the data format used for Individual Parameter
Send. Data is transferred as-is, using the Model's memory image.
Format: 11110111B
Data Receiver
Data Sender
Send Request (Optional)
Data Transfer