Cashtester CT 433 SD
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Please ask you distributor for more information about currencies other than Euro.
Currency Detection
You don’t need to select currency type because the detector can recognize the currency
type automatically when a banknote passes, and the currency display window will show the
current currency symbol (as shown in Figure 3).
Figure 3
When a banknote is placed in the feeder, the detector will automatically start the motor and
begin a detecting procedure.
For Euro and GBP, There is no limitation on the passing side of banknote or passing position in
the feeder. But for other banknotes (e.g. Swiss Franc), there is a rule for the passing position, the
banknote should be kept right when in the feeder.
If the banknote is a genuine one, the pieces will be increased by one and the current value
will be added to the total value, then the banknote will go out at the selected exit direction
(as shown in Figure 4). When the total pieces is beyond 999 or the total value is beyond 999999,
the data will be automatically set to zero.
Figure 4 Figure 5
If the banknote is a suspicious one, it will be rejected and retreat from the feeder with 3 beeps.
And at the same time, the LED indicator will glint RED, corresponding error code will be
displayed on "Pieces” Display Window (as shown in Figure 5). Please refer to the troubleshooting
section of this manual for detailed information of error codes.
Select Genuine Banknote Exit direction
Press up/down arrow key and hold on it for 2 second to select the exit direction of the genuine
banknote. The arrow symbol will be shown on the left part of the LCD display. ”↑“ means the
genuine banknote will go out from the back exit and ”↓ “ means the genuine banknote will
retreat from the feeder. The default direction of going out is "↓", banknotes going out from
feeder don’t memorize.
Figure 6
Figure 7
Total value
Total pieces
Detection error