Pressing the SYSTEM button will open up the SYSTEM menu. Pressing EXIT (RTA
button) will exit back out to the INTPUT/OUTPUT screens. Use the CURSOR
UP/DOWN buttons to move through the menu.
The stock Routing configuration of the Inputs to Outputs is Input A to Output 1, Input B
to Output 2, etc. If you need to make changes for 2-way, 3-way or summing Left and
Right to Mono-Sub type setups, you press the SYSTEM button to get to the SYSTEM
screen. Press the SYSTEM button again to enter the ROUTER screen. Each horizontal
line is an Output (1-8) and the vertical columns are for each Input. So the upper left ‘A’
represents Input A routed to Output 1. To select a line to edit use the CURSOR
UP/DOWN buttons or press the Output select button to directly select that Output line,
then press the Input buttons to turn on or off the associated Input. Once the router is
configured for your setup, press the RTA button to Exit out of the SYSTEM menus.