CARSON Helicopter Airbeast 507013
Make sure that nobody else is transmitting in the proximity of
your frequency! Interfering signals on the same frequency can
make you lose control over your model. If you are flying with
other RC users, it might be necessary to change the frequency.
A rapid change of frequencies is possible simply by unplugging
an interchangeable crystal on the back of the transmitter and
then plugging in another one.
For reasons of operational safety, employ only crystals recom-
mended by the suppliers explicitly for use in your remote
control system.
Remove the holder for the transmitter crystal from the back of
the transmitter housing of a switched-off transmitter.
Set the crystal replacement with another channel of the same
frequency band. Pay attention that the correct crystal is
employed. Transmitter crystals are as a rule characterized with
the letters T or TX (T = Transmitter).
Plug in an interchangeable crystal into the receiver for a rapid
change of frequencies.
The suitable receiver crystal with the frequency suitable to the
transmitter must be labelled with the same channel number as
the transmitter crystal. It additionally bears the identification
letter R or RX (R = Receiver).
Now take the transmitter and subsequently the receiver into
operation and check the functioning of the equipment.
Do not mix up the transmitter and
receiver crystals!
The transmitter and receiver crystals must be of an identical
Make sure that the crystal is fully inserted in the transmitter and
receiver, not partially.
i. How to change frequencies
The rotor blades of the two principal
rotors have the largest influence on the
flight characteristics of the helicopter.
Very often one can attain a major improvement of flight
behaviour simply by exchanging one or more rotor blades.
There is an especially serious difference between balanced
and non-balanced rotor blades.
If the model does not show a
balanced flight behaviour, then at first the balancing state of
the rotor blades should be inspected and corrected and if
necessary the respective blade should be replaced.
The track running of the rotor blades also has an influence on
the flight behaviour apart from the balancing state. Both rotor
blades of a rotor rotation travel exactly in one plane if their
track running is correct. If this is not the case, vibrations arise
which adversely affect the flight behaviour.
To check the track
running, mark a blade tip
with colour and observe
the corresponding rotor
rotation from the side.
If the marked and the
unmarked blade appa-
rently “overlap”, then the
track running is correct
Otherwise you will see
both points at different
heights (2).
j. Corrective action
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08.01.2008 9:01:21 Uhr
08.01.2008 9:01:21 Uhr