Step 1 — Check Equipment
IDENTIFY UNIT — The unit model number and serial num-
ber are stamped on the unit identification plate. Check this
information against shipping papers.
INSPECT SHIPMENT — Inspect for shipping damage while
unit is still on shipping pallet. If unit appears to be damaged
or is torn loose from its anchorage, have it examined by trans-
portation inspectors before removal. Forward claim papers
directly to transportation company. Manufacturer is not re-
sponsible for any damage incurred in transit.
Check all items against shipping list. Immediately notify
the nearest Carrier Air Conditioning office if any item is
To prevent loss or damage, leave all parts in original pack-
ages until installation.
Step 2 — Provide Unit Support
ROOF CURB — Install accessory roof curb in accordance
with instructions shipped with curb. See Fig. 6. Install in-
sulation, cant strips, roofing, and flashing. Ductwork must
be attached to curb.
IMPORTANT: The gasketing of the unit to the roof
curb is critical for a watertight seal. Install gasketing
material supplied with the roof curb. Improperly ap-
plied gasketing also can result in air leaks and poor
unit performance.
Curb should be level to within
inch. This is necessary
for unit drain to function properly. Refer to accessory roof
curb installation instructions for additional information as
SLAB MOUNT — Place the unit on a solid, level concrete
pad that is a minimum of 4 in. thick with 2 in. above grade.
The slab should extend approximately 2 in. beyond the cas-
ing on all 4 sides of the unit. Install a 6-in. gravel apron in
front of outdoor coil air inlet to prevent obstruction of air-
flow by grass or shrubs. Do not secure the unit to the slab
except when required by local codes. In areas where pro-
longed subfreezing temperatures or snowfall occur, increase
clearance to 12 to 18 in. by constructing an angle-iron frame
to support unit. See Fig. 7 for recommended frame construc-
tion. Alternate construction should follow dimensions pro-
vided in Fig. 7.
Step 3 — Provide Clearances —
The required mini-
mum service clearances and clearances to combustibles are
shown in Fig. 2-5. Adequate ventilation and outdoor air must
be provided.
The outdoor fan pushes air through the outdoor coil and
discharges it through louvers on the top cover, the decora-
tive grille, and the compressor access panel. Be sure that the
fan discharge does not recirculate to the outdoor coil. Do not
locate the unit in either a corner or under an overhead ob-
struction. The minimum clearance under a partial overhang
(such as a normal house overhang) is 48 in. above the unit
top. The maximum horizontal extension of a partial over-
hang must not exceed 48 inches.
Do not restrict outdoor airflow. An air restriction at ei-
ther the outdoor-air inlet or the fan discharge can be det-
rimental to compressor life.
Do not place the unit where water, ice, or snow from an
overhang or roof will damage or flood the unit. Do not in-
stall the unit on carpeting, tile, or other combustible mate-
rials. The unit may be installed on wood flooring or on Class
A, B, or C roof covering materials.
Fig. 7 — Heat Pump Mounting Frame
1. Material consists of angle iron — 31.8 mm (1
in.) to 38 mm (1
commercial standard.
2 Weld frame together.
3. Paint with zinc-rich paint (rustproof).