The 35E single-duct unit is offered with a wide variety of
factory-mounted controls that regulate the volume of air deliv-
ery from the unit and respond to cooling and heating load re-
quirements of the conditioned space. Stand-alone controls will
fulfill the thermal requirements of a given control space. These
devices are available in both pneumatic and electronic arrange-
ments. Carrier VVT® electronic controls and PIC (Product
Integrated Control) DDC (Direct Digital Controls) are commu-
nicating controls which are integrated with the building system.
The PIC controls are compatible with the CCN system. A num-
ber of DDC control packages by others are available for con-
signment mounting, as indicated.
Control offerings are:
35EA: Analog Electronic
35EC: PIC Direct Digital Electronic
35EP: Pneumatic
35EV: VVT Electronic (Gen. III or 3V™ controls)
35EN: None or DDC by others
Each control approach offers a variety of operating func-
tions; a control package number identifies combinations of
control functions. The following listings contain the basic func-
tion arrangements for each control offering. Because of the
variety of functions available, circuit diagrams, operating
sequences, and function descriptions are contained in separate
Application Data publications. Refer to the specific control
publication for details.
CCN Control Arrangements —
Carrier Comfort Net-
work® (CCN) controls are factory-installed in a control enclo-
sure. Factory-mounted transformers are available as an option.
Thermostats are supplied separately as a field-installed acces-
sory. Carrier Comfort Network control packages must be used
in combination with a thermostat. Thermostats are not
included in the CCN package.
4140: Cooling only
4141: Single-stage and 2-stage electric heat
4142: 3-stage electric heat
4143: On-Off hot water
4144: Proportional (floating) hot water heat
4145: Cooling only with supply return tracking
4147: Single-stage, 2-stage and 3-stage electric heat with
supply return tracking
4149: Proportional (floating) hot water with supply return
4150: Return air damper
CCN Thermostats (Ordered Separately)
Thermostat: 33ZCT56SPT: RT (room temperature) sensor,
with set point adjust and override.
Thermostat: 33ZCT55SPT: RT (room temperature) sensor,
with override only.
Thermostat: 33ZCT58SPT: Communicating room tempera-
ture sensor with LCD (liquid crystal diode), set point adjust,
fan control and occupancy override.
Thermostat: 33ZCT56CO2: RT (room temperature) and CO
sensor, with set point adjust and override.
Thermostat: 33ZCT55CO2: RT (room temperature) and CO
sensor, with override only.
VVT Electronic Control Arrangement —
able volume and temperature (VVT) controls are factory-
installed in a control enclosure. Factory-mounted transformers
are available as an option. Thermostats are supplied separately
as a field-installed accessory.
8200: Pressure dependent, cooling only
8201: Pressure dependent, cooling with 2-stage electric heat
8202: Pressure dependent cooling with on/off hot water heat
8206: Pressure independent, cooling only
8207: Pressure independent, cooling with 2-stage electric heat
8208: Pressure independent cooling with on/off hot water heat
8209: Variable air volume (VAV) pressure dependent unit
control zone (Monitor)
8210: Bypass controller, 2-in. wg transducer
8220: Pressure dependent cooling only
8221: Pressure dependent cooling with 3-stage electric heat
8222: Pressure dependent cooling with on/off hot water heat
8223: Pressure dependent cooling with modulating hot water
8224: Pressure dependent cooling with combination base-
board and 2-stage electric heat
8226: Pressure independent cooling only
8227: Pressure independent cooling with 2-stage electric heat
8228: Pressure independent cooling with on/off hot water heat
8230: Bypass control
Analog Electronic Control Arrangement —
Pressure independent control packages are available without
supplemental heat, with on/off hot water or electric heat, pro-
portional hot water heat, or with cooling/heating automatic
changeover control.
Fig. 3 — Typical Unit Suspension with Brackets