4. SeZng up Adv Ctrl
4.1. None of the steps described below in this Sec;on are required for normal opera;on – all is
ready out of the box.
4.2. There is a host of adjustment possibili;es to tweak Adv Ctrl to your liking. Some seGngs are
available through the Carpe Control app only, some can be also accessed directly on Adv
4.3. Hardware side seZngs
4.3.1.Adv Ctrl side set-up mode is entered by simultaneously pressing Buion
and Buion
- . Set-up mode is indicated by blue color on all 3 LEDs (regardless of backlight color
4.3.2.When Adv Ctrl side set-up mode is entered: Buion
: enter idle mode. To revived Adv Ctrl from idle press Buion
following which Adv Ctrl will go directly to normal opera;on (set-up mode is
exited automa;cally). Idle mode is indicated by breathing red LED on Buion
; Buion + : show input voltage level for 2 seconds (see Sec;on 4.4.6 for
details). Amer that at all LEDs go back to blue (= set-up mode); Buion - : exit Setup Mode; Joys;ck Up / Down: increase/decrease backlight intensity. Newly selected LED
intensity is pre-viewed in selected back-light color for 2 seconds, following
which the LEDs go back to blue (= set-up mode). It is not recommended to use
more than 50% brightness in loca;ons with high temperatures or overhea;ng
might occur; Joys;ck Lem / Right: toggle backlight color. Available colors: Red, Green, Blue,
White, Orange (the Adv Ctrl semi-transparent housing has a color ;nt of it’s
own, so the selected color might not be exact representa;on of the pre-set.
This applies especially to “White”). When a selec;on is made, the newly
selected back-light color is pre-viewed for 2 seconds, following which the LEDs
go back to blue (= set-up mode).
4.4. LED Color Codes
4.4.1.Selected back-light color on all LEDs – connected to Bluetooth, ready for opera;on
(default color is White – sort of
4.4.2.Rapid blue blink on Buion
Bluetooth pairing;
4.4.3.Rapid blue blink on Buion
plus green/red combina;on on other LEDs: ini;aliza;on
procedure running/Bluetooth connec;on lost;
4.4.4.steady blue on all LEDs: Adv Ctrl hardware set-up mode (too bad, if you selected blue
as your back-light color – it will be deceiving
4.4.5.red „breathing“ LED on Buion
: connected to power, idle mode.
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