Ba^ery Level (Input Voltage) IndicaFon
Voltage level on Adv Ctrl input is indicated by different LED color codes: 3 Green LEDs - Voltage is above 13V; 2 Green LEDs - Voltage between 12.5V and 13V; 1 Green LED - Voltage is between 12V and 12.5V; 3 Red LEDs - Voltage is between 11.5V and 12V; 2 Red LEDs - Voltage is between 11V and 11.5V; 1 Red LED - Voltage is bellow 11V.
This feature can be used to check
voltage level of the motorcycle baiery
engine powered down
. What it checks exactly is voltage level on the Adv Ctrl input leads, i.e.
this voltage might be affected by various variables on your bike and, therefore, might not
exactly correspond to the motorcycle baiery level.
4.5. Carpe Control app seZngs
4.5.1.Addi;onal seGngs are available in the Carpe Control app under: CONFIGURE > JOYSTICK SENSIBILITY. Sensi;vity of the joys;ck can be
increased or decreased. Increasing sensi;vity is generally not recommended,
especially on motorcycles producing significant vibra;ons. On the contrary,
reducing sensi;vity can mi;gate issues associated with high-vibra;on
environment on some bikes; CONFIGURE > BUTTON BACKLIGHT. Allows to set back-light color and
intensity. It is not recommended to use more than 50% brightness in loca;ons
with high temperatures or overhea;ng might occur.
4.5.2.Under Configure tab in Carpe Control app, you can select to have input voltage
displayed on the app main screen.
4.6. LEDs can also be controlled in the HUD (long press Buion
during normal opera;on to
access HUD).
5. OperaFng consideraFons
5.1. Never exceed opera;ng parameters stated in Sec;on 6 or Adv Ctrl will get damaged or
5.2. Ensure correct polarity of the Adv Ctrl input leads.
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