Whenever removing high voltage cables from
equipment, ground the plug end of the cable(s) by
contacting the plug to electrical ground.
touch the plug until it has been grounded. This will
eliminate the possibility of residual charge causing
electrical shock.
Ensure that the Test Probe HV cable makes good
contact both inside the Test Probe and inside the
Power Supply HV Tube.
3. Attach the appropriate HV cable to the Test Probe
(76652-01), properly ground the probe to a true earth
ground and turn the Test Probe Meter on (see Operation
Manual of 76652-01 Tester).
4. Insert the Test Probe HV cable into the Power Supply
HV Tube until it bottoms out.
5. Turn the power supply ON.
6. Open the cabinet door and position jumper J8, shown
in Figure 10, on the main PC Board so that it covers
(shorts) both terminals. Note the position must be
changed after boot or a boot fault “bF” will occur.
7. Read the output voltage displayed on the meter, then
turn the power supply OFF. If the voltage DOES READ
correctly (see “Specifications” in the “Introduction”
section of this manual), the problem is not in the Power
Supply, therefore the HV Cable and spray gun should
be checked for the cause. If the voltage DOES NOT
READ correctly, the problem is with the power supply.
Consult the “Troubleshooting Guide” to locate the
specific problem.
8. Disconnect the Test Probe (76652-01) and reposition
jumper J8 so that it covers only one terminal. When
ready to resume spray operations, reconnect the spray
gun HV cable and turn the power supply on.
Bench Testing
Equipment Required:
The “Troubleshooting Guide” provides information for trou-
bleshooting the power supply when improper operation is
obtained and the problem has been traced to the power
supply. Proper troubleshooting should ONLY be accom-
plished with specific test equipment by qualified electron-
ics technicians or authorized Carlisle Fluid Technologies
Before troubleshooting, ensure that the power supply is
plugged into a live outlet of appropriate voltage. All elec-
trical measurements in the “Troubleshooting Guide” are
nominal and may vary as much as ±10% depending on
the test conditions and the test equipment used. Refer to
Figure 17 for location of parts called out in the “Trouble-
shooting Guide”.
For bench testing, jumper J8 should be used to trigger
the high voltage output (see “KV Test Jumper” previously
discussed in this section).
Diagnostic LED’s
There a single diagnostic LED located on the main power
supply 1PS. It is a green LED that indicates 24 VDC is
powered on.
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