The 9060 HV2 Controller shown in Figure 3, has a simple
operator interface consisting of two (2) LED (Light Emitting
Diode) indicators, one (1) power switch, one (1) button, one
(1) current LED bargraph, and two (2) screens containing
seven-segment displays. The following describes the
behavior of the interface components used with the No. 2
Process Handgun.
Power Switch
The 9060 Controller contains a single rocker switch for
power On/Off selection. When the unit is powered on,
the screens should be lit and display the gun display type
information and the software version number for a period
of approximately 5 seconds.
High Voltage On Indicator
The red High Voltage On Indicator is lit when a trigger
signal has been received by the unit and the high voltage
output from the cascade has been enabled.
Fault Indicator
The red Fault Indicator is lit when a fault occurs as deter-
mined by the microprocessor. When a fault occurs the
light will turn on and the identification code for the fault will
be displayed, blinking, on the µA meter display. For more
information on the faults and fault ID codes, please refer
the Fault Descriptions section in the Operation portion of
this manual.
Figure 3: 9060 Operator Interface
Reset Button
The reset button is used to clear fault or overload conditions
when the trigger signal if OFF. This will NOT prevent any
other active fault conditions from triggering a new fault.
There is a
5 second
fault reset delay timer that
the triggering of high voltage immediately
after a fault reset.
The 9060 Controller connection interface shown in Figure
4, provides all of the required connections for setting up
a No. 2 Process Handgun (80102-21X). This connection
interface consists of one (1) high voltage cable connector,
one (1) ground lug connection, two (2) fuses, and one (1)
AC inlet receptacle.
High Voltage Cable Connector
The high voltage cable connector is the largest connector
and is located on the far right of the connection interface.
This connector is designed for use with the superflex high
voltage cable 19370 that connects with the No. 2 Process
Ground Lug Connection
The ground lug connection is located directly below the
fuses and has a ground logo sticker directly below it. This
lug is provided as an external ground connection point
used to ground the 9060 to an earth ground via a ground
cable. This ground lug connection can also be used as the
ground point for the high voltage cable ground.
AC Inlet Receptacle
The AC inlet receptacle is a standard IEC C14 Appliance
Inlet connector with a maximum rating of 250 VAC. It can
handle both 115VAC and 230 VAC inputs at 50 or 60 Hz.
The unit is shipped with the appropriate rated AC cord for
the particular installation.
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