Example: Steam Boiler
Operating Range 3 to 6 PS1
2. Set Safety Hi Limit: Cut in 8 PSl / Cut out I0 PSI
3. Set Operating Limit: Cut in 8 PSl / Cut out 6 PSI
4. Set Hi Fire Control: Cut in 3 PSl / Cut out 4 PSI
1. Call for heat: cold start. Bunier starts on low and goes to
high fire.
2. When pressure rises to 4 PSI, the burner goes to low
3. lf pressure drops to 3 PSl burner returns to high fire.
4. If pressure rises to 6 PS1 burner shuts off.
NOTE: Since the calibrations on the limit controls are
seldom exact, it will be necessary to readjust the settings
during operation.