CARF-Models Extra 330SC (3.1m)
Make up the pull-pull wires for the rudder from the hardware
supplied, with a loop at the front that goes over the hooks on
the output arms, and a ball-link with turnbuckle/threaded end
and locknut at the rudder end (if using full metal arms, install
a ball-link at the front as well). For security pass the closed
loop cable through the supplied ‘crimping tubes’ 2 times
before squashing flat with pliers. If you like you can add a
small sleeve of heat shrink tubing over this connection to
make sure that it cannot ‘snag’ when the cable is slack.
Make sure that the wires are tight, and check & adjust after
the first few flights if necessary. Even a small amount of slop
at neutral position will prevent your Extra from perfect
The wings are 100% finished at the factory, and have
already been installed on your fuselage to check the
alignment. The dual phenolic aileron control surface horns
have been installed for you. The 4 plastic nuts screw onto
the M6 threaded aluminium wing dowels to retain the wings
to the fuselage.
The ailerons are big surfaces on the Extra. We recommend
to use two JR DS8911 or Futaba BLS152 or BLS172 servos
on each wing, which provide enough power for all
manouvers. Note that a too small holding torque of your
servos can cause fluttering.
The first job is to install the outer Servo. For that purpose cut
a servo hatch in the bottom of the wing surface as shown on
the photos. You will need to re-use the section of wing that
you cut out for the hatch cover, so be careful cutting it out.
Reinforce the underside of the wing skin with two plywood
stripes. After installing the servo secure the hatch using four
2.3 Ø x 10mm sheetmetal screws in each.
Now the servo cable has to be extended to a length of
850mm. Lay the cable through the provided holes and install
the servo using the 2.9mm Ø x 13mm screws supplied.
Therefor you need a very long X-head screwdriver and insert
it from the wing root. If the mounting holes of your servos are
too small for our 2.9mm Ø x 13mm screws, you have to use
at least 2mm Ø screws.
After extending the cable of the inner servo to a length of
530mm you can install it as well. Installing procedure is
analog to the outer servo.
We advise to use full metal servo arms (SWB or Secraft).
Assembly as well as setting up the linkage is just the same
as on stabs or rudder using the 85mm long M3 all-thread for
the outer and inner servo.
Make sure that the servo arms
are parallel
If you want to, you can fix the
4mm tube with a M4 grub
screw to the rudder
The outer servo of the wing and
the long X-head screw driver
The servo hatch in the bottom
of the wing