CARF-Models Extra 330SC (3.1m)
small drop of slow CA each (ZAP-O or Plasti-ZAP
Do NOT use any CA accelerator/kicker - you will
immediately ‘fog’ the clear canopy!
Temporarily tape the front and sides of the clear canopy to
the inside the frame, in as many positions as possible. Mount
the canopy frame to the fuselage (use all 4 bolts), and tape
the back and front of the canopy frame tightly to the
fuselage, closing any small gaps that may be there. Then
make visual check from the front and back to make sure sure
that the canopy is straight. Using the duct-tape handles to
pull the canopy outwards firmly against the frame, working
from the back towards the front, glue the edges of the
canopy in place in 2 or 3 more places each side, with just a
single very small drop of CA at each position, all the time
checking that the edge of the canopy is tight up against the
frame at the front. It really helps to have 4 hands for this job,
so get another person to help you !
Now that the canopy is fixed in position and cannot twist or
warp anymore, you can carefully glue the rest of the canopy
firmly in place. You can either complete the gluing from the
outside (with the frame still mounted on the fuselage),
allowing the odorless CA glue to wick into the joint between
the frame and the clear plastic or, if you prefer, you can
carefully remove the canopy frame from the fuselage, and
use a 30 minute or 24hr epoxy and micro-balloon mixture for
gluing all the edges to the frame on the inside surface.
We highly recommend that you glue all around the inside
edges of the clear canopy with the epoxy & micro-balloon
mixture to be sure that the clear canopy cannot come off in
flight. If you wish you can tint the inside of the canopy using
one of the aerosol spray paints used for painting the inside of
polycarbonate car bodies (eg: the Tamiya or Lexanit ranges).
Use many very light coats to get even coverage.
Horizontal Stabs
The stabs are 100% finished at the factory, and only need
the servos and linkages
installing. Insert the 20mm
aluminium tube spar in the fuselage sleeve, and slide on
both stabs
to check the fit between the root ribs and the
The elevators are hinged to each stab using the 4mm Ø
brass tubes provided. Make sure
there is no burr on either
end of the tubes, and chamfer the ends slightly with fine
sandpaper to
make it easier to get them through the holes in
the phenolic hinge plates. Be careful inserting them, and if
they are a bit stiff, then use a little grease on the tubes. Don’t
Rear stab spar tube has M3 T-
nuts installed at the factory for
the securing bolts.
We recommend to use full-
metal servo arms such as the
ones of SWB (above) or
Secraft (below)
A plug at the fuselage connects
the elevator servos to the RC-