least 86mm above the bottom of the fuselage to
make sure that the pull-pull cables will clear the
top of the stab servos.
: We recommend that this servo mount is
finally glued into the fuselage after completing
the motor and fuel tank base installation, form
easier access.
Glue the ply plate to the bottom of the balsa with
CA and mount the servo with the Ø 2.9 x 13mm
screws provided,
the standard ones that
come with the servo. The composite balsa rails
are glued into the milled slots under the front
and back of the plate with thin CA. Rough up the
fuselage sides before gluing the complete
assembly into place with 30 min. epoxy, and
then reinforce these important joints with the
glassfibre tape provided in the kit, and 24hr lam-
inating epoxy (see photo).
The milled balsa parts for the rudder mount are
a bit long, so you can chose the position to suit
your motor and sand them to length, and help to
set the correct Centre of Gravity. If you are using a lightweight set-up, like a glow engine, then
you should move the rudder servo mount as far forward as possible, so that the front of the plate
is against the back of the fuel tank mount. If you are using a larger motor, like the DA-50, you
can install it at the back of the cockpit area (as shown in the photo here) without CG problems.
: Fit the wings to the fuselage before gluing in the rudder servo mounting plate - so that you
cannot accidentally deform the fuselage.
With servo mounted under the cockpit as shown, the slots (30mm x 3mm) for the cable exits
need to be approx. 360mm (14.5”) from the back of the fin. If you prefer to ‘cross’ your pull-pull
cables inside the fuselage, then the exit slot positions will be above the stab servos and just
behind the leading edge of the stabs.
Rough sand the top surface of a 25mm (1”) Ø metal output disc, and the bottom of the phenolic
rudder servo arm. Centre the servo using your R/C and glue the phenolic horn in place perpen-
dicular to the servo, using 30 minute epoxy. Then remove the assembly and secure the pheno-
lic arm to the disc with the 3 small M2 bolts and nuts included, in a similar manner as for the stab
servo arm extensions.
Make up the pull-pull wires for the rudder from the hardware supplied, with a loop at the front
that goes over the hooks on the output arms, and a quick-link with turnbuckle and locknut at the
rudder end. For security pass the closed loop cable through the supplied ‘crimping tubes’ 2 times
before squashing flat with large pliers. Make sure that the wires are tight, and check and adjust
after the first few flights as the cables straighten out. Even a small amount of slop will prevent
your Extra from perfect tracking.
Composite-ARF Extra 300L