Composite-ARF Extra 300L
Cockpit Canopy
A painted moulded fibreglass canopy frame and clear
cockpit canopy are provided in the kit. Fitting is quite
simple, as the canopy is quite small and rigid.
Complete all the canopy frame fixings
gluing in
the clear canopy.
There are several methods of securing the canopy
frame to the fuselage, and these depend on the type
and size of motor you will fit, and your own favourite
method. However, if installing a large single-cylinder
motor (eg: DA-50), then we highly recommend that
you fit the 2 plywood tongues at the back of the frame
- secured with two M3 bolts and T-nuts, as this is a
very rigid and rattle-free solution - instead of the single
hatch catch as this could vibrate ‘open’ in flight !
If fitting a glow engine, or electric motor, without too
much vibration then it should be OK to use the hatch
catch to secure the back of the canopy frame. Both
methods are shown below, and the hardware for both
methods is included in the kit.
For both methods the front of the canopy frame is
secured to the fuselage by a phenolic hook, installed
in a small milled plywood plate, and 2 or 4 small phe-
nolic tabs in the side rails to align the frame with the
fuselage exactly.
Lightly sand (or scrape with the edge of a sharp knife)
the joint seams on both the fuselage and the canopy
frame that could prevent it sitting perfectly flush, and
check the fit to the fuselage.
Sand under the front lip of the fuselage where the ply-
wood plate for the hook will be, and also inside the
front of the canopy frame. Using 30 minute epoxy, glue
the plywood plate into the fuselage, under the front lip,
with the slot aligned with the joint seam of the fuse-
lage, and the front of the slot 1 - 2mm back from the
edge of the fibreglass as shown in the photo.
Firmly tape the canopy frame into the exactly correct
position on the fuselage. Rough up the top of the phe-
nolic hook, and press it into the milled slot in the other
milled plywood part, and trial fit into the front of the
canopy frame to make sure that the hook engages
properly with the slot in the fuselage ply part. Adjust
height of the hook to achieve this, and then secure the
hook to the ply with a single drop of thin CA. Now glue
the complete plate into the front of the canopy frame