+030220575 - 1.1 - 04.12.2014
2.6 Dashboard:
confi guration view and logic (without Smooth
If in a group of units, some or all of these do not feature the Smooth lines function, the Smooth lines fl ag
should not be ticked in the association step (see paragraph 2.2 for details). For this group, the confi guration
page will appear as shown in Figure 2.h.
As the units do not feature any special smooth control function, from PVPRO the user can only confi gure the
parameters relating to the supervisor itself and to the rack.
Fig. 2.h
In this scenario, the plug-in logic is based on the duty cycle of the units: if the measured percentage is
greater than the confi gured threshold, the line is considered as not having any margin to increase the
suction pressure set point. The threshold is defi ned by entering a percentage for each unit in the “Maximum
DC” column.
The following table shows the meaning of the PVPRO settings and their default values.
Default value
Time window for DC calculation
The unit duty cycle of will be calculated within this time
window. The value can range from 10 to 180 minutes.
120 minutes
Frequency for DC calculation
Indicates the frequency of the potential action on the set
point: at the end of every period ,the calculated duty cycle
will be considered in order to increase or decrease the set
point. The value can range from 10 to 180 minutes.
30 minutes
Maximum offl
ine time
Maximum percentage of failed acquisitions for each unit
associated with the rack. If this value is exceeded, the unit is
considered offl
Maximum number of units offl
If the number of offl
ine units exceeds this number, the
suction pressure set point will not be changed.
Tab. 2.b