7. T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N
The scooter will not switch on
Try recharging the battery
Check the fuse and circuit breaker in the scooter
The scooter switches on, but the
scooter will not move.
Ensure there is enough power in the battery. If not,
recharge the battery.
Ensure the freewheel lever is engaged in the ‘DRIVE’
The scooter appears slow
Check the battery power level and recharge
Check the speed dial is not set to slow.
The seat turns when in operation
Slowly rotate the seat until it drops into place and is
The handlebar appears loose
Tighten the height adjustment handle to secure the
Involuntarily horn sounds
Ensure that the wigwag paddle is released.
Switch the scooter off and on.
Recharge the battery.
If problem persists contact CareCo on 0845 611 8022.
If you experience any technical problems, it is recommended that you check with CareCo before
attempting to resolve any issues.
The following symptoms could indicate a serious problem with your power scooter. Contact
CareCo if any of the following arise:-
1. Motor noise
2. Frayed harnesses
3. Cracked or broken connectors
4. Uneven wear on any tyre
5. Jerky motion
6. Pulling to one side
7. Bent or broken wheel assemblies
8. Scooter does not power up
9. Powers up, but does not move