The transformer cable should be inserted into the
port on the rear panel of the SimulScope.
When used as a classroom infrared emitter, the SimulScope is used in the same manner as at the
bedside except that the wall transformer will be used.
3.3.1 Using the SimulScope with SAM, the Student Auscultation Manikin
Set up SAM, the Student Auscultation Manikin following instructions in the SAM Operator's manual.
Place the stethoscope of the SimulScope on SAM as you would a live patient.
You may listen to heart sounds at the pulmonic, tricuspid, aortic or mitral areas. You may listen to
breath sounds at the anterior or posterior upper or lower part of the chest. You may listen to bowel
sounds at the right and left abdomen or the carotid pulse bruit on the right side of the neck.
Figure 15 Using the SimulScope with SAM, the Student Auscultation Manikin