You can programme your robot vacuum cleaner to clean at a set time every day. When you pro-
gramme the cleaning time via the remote control, you set a delay in relation to the robot vacuum
cleaner’s clock setting (i.e. not the point of time itself).
For example: the remote control shows 09:00. You want the robot to start cleaning at 10:30
every day. Set the remote control to 1:30.
A. Provided that the power switch on the underside has not been put into the OFF position,
the robot cleans daily at the programmed time.
B. Cleaning time cannot be programmed while the robot’s batteries are being charged.
How to programme the robot vacuum cleaner using the remote control
A. To first ensure that the robot vacuum cleaner is in standby mode and can be programmed,
press CLEAN on the machine or ON/OFF on the remote control.
B. Hold the PLAN button down until the display flashes 00:00.
C. Use the UP and DOWN direction buttons to set the time.
D. Use the LEFT and RIGHT direction buttons to switch between hours and minutes.
E. When the correct time is shown, press ON/OFF to save this programming. The robot beeps
once in confirmation and the CLEAN button shines pink for two seconds.
F. Zero the programming by pressing ON/OFF again. The robot beeps twice and the CLEAN
button shines blue.
G. Hold the PLAN button down until the display exits the programming mode.
H. By pressing the PLAN button, you can check whether the robot is already programmed. If it
is, the robot’s CLEAN button shines pink for two seconds. If it is not, the robot beeps once and
the CLEAN button does not change colour.