can and S
Send Files That Can Be Edited by
Illustration Software (Trace & Smooth)
Encrypt Scanned Documents to Send
(PDF (Encrypt))
Send Text Searchable Files (OCR (Text Searchable))
This mode enables you to create an encrypt
PDF fi le of the scanned original so that a
password is needed when the fi le is opened,
and then send the fi le. You can also restrict
print and edit functions.
This mode enables you to perform OCR
on a scanned original to create a fi le with
searchable text, and then send the fi le. You
can use the text as a text data.
This mode enables you to convert the text
and the graphics to scalable outline data.
The outline data (Trace) can be extracted
and used in a specifi c illustrator software.
Some functions explained in this manual may require optional equipment.