D: Assemble the back legs
Curve left leg 1 and attach it to
the left foot (199-207), making
a cylinder shape (208)
Attach the left leg 2
to left leg 1 (209-215)
Attach the right leg 1
to right foot (238-247)
Attach the right
leg 3 to right
leg 2 (257-263)
Attach the right
leg 4 to right
leg 3 (264-266)
Attach the left leg 3
to left leg 2 (216-222)
Attach the left leg 4
to left leg 3 (223-
Attach right
leg 2 to right
leg 1 (248-
254), and
also attach
255 and 256
D-1 Left foot
D-6 Right foot
D-8 Right leg 2
Right leg 3
Right leg 4
Right leg 1
D-2 Left leg 1
D-3 Left leg 2
D-4 Left leg 3
D-5 Left leg 4
Make the toes (187-196),
glue 197 and 198 and make
the whole thing into a ring
Make the toes (187-196),
glue 197 and 198 and make
the whole thing into a ring
Make the toes (226-235), glue 236 and
237 and make the whole thing into a ring
Marine iguana: Assembly Instructions