Canoga Perkins Corporation, 20600 Prairie Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311-6008
Phone: (818) 718-6300, FAX (818) 718-6312 www.canoga.com
P/N 6942590 Rev A
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Canoga Perkins Corp. EdgeAccess Ethernet Media Converter 30-Nov-2005
Model L357-1564 V02.00 F19 Standalone
--------------------------------------LOGIN SCREEN------------------------------
Please Enter Login Username : admin
Please Enter Login Password :
Alarm Outputs: None
Figure 9. Log In screen
Canoga Perkins Corp. EdgeAccess Ethernet Media Converter 30-Nov-2005
Model L357-1564 V02.00 F19 Standalone
---------------------------------------MAIN MENU--------------------------------
1) System Configuration
2) Diagnostics
3) Link Status
4) System Alarms
5) Layer 2 Statistics
6) System Log
7) Utilities
8) Software Upgrade
9) Change Password
10) Manage Logged In Users
11) Logout
Select [1-11]:
Alarm Outputs: None
Figure 10. Main Menu screen
Step 6: Module Configuration
From the Main Menu, type “1,” enter, then “2,” enter, to access the Functional Configuration
screen. The Functional Configuration screen allows the user to change the USR port settings. To
change the settings, simply type the number of the setting you wish to change and use the space
bar to toggle through the selections. Use the ESC button to cancel your selection or to return to
the earlier screen.
The USR port can be set to Disabled/10M Half/10M Full/100M Half/100M Full/Autonegotiate.
Use the Tab button to move the highlight to the next column if SideBand Management is on, or
press Enter to accept the changes.