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Boat Electrical Systems
Power is delivered to the boat through shore power, generator or the batteries.
Please see pictures of the breaker panel, showing the items reviewed below, at the end of this section.
Shore Power
The boat has two (2) 30-amp power cord systems.
Shore power is connected at the stern.
Each power cord has its own amp & volt monitor located in the pilothouse.
All cables and adapters are kept in the fly bridge deck box.
The deck box has all the “Y” adapters and pigtail adapters needed for nearly all situations.
The boat also has a 50-amp extension cord, if needed in the fly bridge deck box.
If the dock has 50 amp power, use the 30 amp to 50 amp ”Y” adapter (located in deck box).
Connect power as follows:
Turn the individual AC breakers off in pilothouse to avoid a surge to the electrical system.
Turn both main breakers off at the pilothouse.
Make sure dockside breaker is off, then connect the cord, and turn on breaker.
Turn main breakers on in the pilothouse.
Turn on the individual AC breakers as needed.
Remember, fewer AC systems can be used if only 30-amp shore power is available.
Monitor the amp gauges to determine power usage.
Consider using the generator in low power situations.
Light switch.