Safety Information .........................2-10
Technical Information .................. 11-32
Replacement Parts ......................33-38
Maintenance ............................... 39-40
Cannondale Supplements
This manual is a “supplement” to your
Cannondale Bicycle Owner’s Manual.
This supplement provides additional and
important model specific safety, maintenance,
and technical information. It may be one of
several important manuals/supplements for
your bike; obtain and read all of them.
Please contact your Authorized Cannondale
Dealer immediately if you need a manual or
supplement or have a question about your bike.
You may also contact us using the appropriate
country/region/location information.
Download available manuas or supplements
from our website:
Contacting Cannondale
Cannondale USA
Cycling Sports Group, Inc.
1 Cannondale Way
Wilton, CT 06897, USA
1-800-726-BIKE (2453)
CSG Europe (Woudenberg)
Cycling Sports Group Europe B.V.
Geeresteinselaan 57
3931JB Woudenberg
The Netherlands
International Distributors
Consult our website to identify the appropriate
Cannondale Dealer for your region.
Your Cannondale Dealer
To make sure your bike is serviced and
maintained correctly, and that you protect
applicable warranties, please coordinate all
service and maintenance through your
Authorized Cannondale Dealer.
Unauthorized service, maintenance, or
repair parts can result in serious damage
and void your warranty.
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